28 September Reports and Articles in the Media

in the struggle for abortion rights in Northern Ireland https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/feminism/2018/09/unlikely-allies-struggle-abortion-rights-northern-ireland Theresa May urged to reform ‘cruel and barbaric’ abortion law in Northern Ireland https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/theresa-may-urged-to-reform-cruel-and-barbaric-abortion-law-in-northern-ireland-cwd3svvxh Thousands attend March for Choice as

28 September Reports and Articles in the Media

The unlikely allies in the struggle for abortion rights in Northern Ireland https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/feminism/2018/09/unlikely-allies-struggle-abortion-rights-northern-ireland Theresa May urged to reform ‘cruel and barbaric’ abortion law in Northern Ireland https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/theresa-may-urged-to-reform-cruel-and-barbaric-abortion-law-in-northern-ireland-cwd3svvxh Thousands attend March

SOUTH AFRICA – two stories

period, a vague description of how many cycles have elapsed and no details about use of a contraceptive. …Over the past five years I [have been] inundated on a daily