Requests for international solidarity

We are committed to supporting requests for international solidarity and sharing them with everyone in the Campaign to get their support.

What to do when you need support

We are committed to supporting requests for international solidarity and sharing them with everyone in the Campaign to get their support. Here is what to do if you want support from others internationally:

1. A request must come from those involved in the activity in the country itself, who are part of the leadership of the action. The request should preferably come from a supporter of the International Campaign so that we know it is bona fide.

2. A request for solidarity should:

  • Give a brief description of what the political issue and national action is about  ̶  for a better law, against a restriction of the law, not imprisoning a woman or doctor, etc.
  • Spell out exactly what kind of support is asked for  ̶  for example, sign a petition or a letter that you have written. Keep it short. Include a clear statement of what your demands or goals are.
  • Include the full text of the petition or letter in the solidarity request. Direct people to a website where they can read the full text and respond.
  • Provide an address for responses – email, facebook, twitter or web address. Responses must be managed by the group in the country concerned who have asked for the solidarity.
  • Give a date by which responses are needed. If possible give people a few weeks.
  • Ask people to forward the request to others.
  • Include something visual – logos, photos, a placard or banner, a poster, a slogan.

Send solidarity requests to:

Allow up to 3 days for the request to be circulated. Please be available by email to answer questions and provide further information.

Solidarity Requests by year

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