Dear Campaign members and supporters,
I am sorry to announce that the international coordination of the Campaign has been “paused” starting today, 12 August 2022.
This doesn’t mean there is no longer an International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion because it is you, the members, who are the Campaign and you are all still there, in 130+ countries, working for safe, legal abortion and, I hope, going strong.
One of the contributions the Campaign has made is that no one has had to feel they are alone when working for abortion rights. The whole world is with them. Keeping that kind of connection alive is important. So I encourage all of you to join your country’s national abortion coalition and your regional network, if you aren’t already a member. You can find the list of our affiliated regional networks here.
I also challenge all of you to devote some of your “abortion work-time” to thinking about how to rebuild and strengthen the international structure of the Campaign as a network.
I had hoped this leadership would come from the regional networks, but they all have a huge amount on their plates as it is. It could also come from another committed group of colleagues with the requisite background, skills, experience and knowledge. It requires advocacy skills, organisational and managerial skills, wide contacts, communications/media skills, fundraising and financial management skills, writing and editing and publishing skills, design skills, knowledge of the history of abortion issues and of the movement, and much more, based in a commitment to working collectively.
What will continue
- YANAA, the Young Activist Network for Abortion Advocacy, will continue with their advocacy, training and social media work. Their details and how to join them can be found on their Campaign webpage here. They will need your support and your help.
- The Campaign website will remain available and accessible during this year (at least). It is currently being updated and we will do our best to keep it up to date, especially the national and international hotlines information for anyone seeking abortion help. The newsletter archives go back to 2015 and remain available and searchable, as well as all the reports, solidarity requests, resources and publications we produced, and all the 28 September Safe Abortion Day materials.
- International Safe Abortion Day 28 September – WGNRR have taken over the coordination of the Day of Action and calling the monthly planning meeting that involves many other groups.
What will not continue
- New membership – It will no longer be possible to join as a new member until a new group takes over the coordination. But don’t drop out – live in optimism that someone will come forward to take the lead. Could it be you??
- I have a month’s news stories to share… and I will, next week. But then, for the newsletter to continue, a new coordination team is needed who know what they want it for.The weekly newsletter
- Sooooo, step up, folks !!!! It’s your network…. support it!!
The very best to all of you, with thanks and in solidarity,
Marge Berer, 12 August 2022