On 17 June 2020, Women on Web reported that their website has been blocked since the end of January 2020 across the whole of Spain. Other countries who were blocking their websites as of 2019 were Brazil, Iran, Turkey, South Korea and Saudi Arabia. Spain’s action was adopted without any prior formal notification that they argue conforms to the minimum standards of due process. On 8 June, Women on Web requested the Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios and all main Spanish internet services to lift the censorship and allow women in Spain to access the Women on Web website. There was no response. Therefore, on 17 June they submitted this information to the Special Procedures of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on the ground that countries withholding information about and access to safe abortion services violate Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the right to freedom of information. E-mail: 17 June 2020