VENEZUELA – Aya Contigo now launched for Venezuela and on Venezuelan Google Play Store 

Vitala Global’s shared vision was inspired by our academic and clinical experiences working with women and girls living in challenging contexts, both in Canada and in humanitarian settings globally.

We have a heart for addressing stigmatized sexual and reproductive (SRH) health topics such as safe, comprehensive abortion care and family planning. We strive to empower women and girls living in settings where they face disproportionate barriers to accessing SRH tools and services. Our shared values, journeys and combined diverse experiences came together to create Vitala Global.

Our core team is based in North America, and our current project team members and partners can be found in the USA, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Germany and Spain. We are hoping to work with more partners, especially those in contexts similar to Venezuela (humanitarian crisis and/or restrictive abortion laws). We are a completely remote organization that was set up as such even before the Covid-19 pandemic.

Aya Contigo is a new, virtual companion for your sexual and reproductive health care. It was launched in Venezuela in March 2022. Aya Contigo is a progressive web app for smartphones and a virtual accompaniment platform that provides information on medical abortion pills and other sexual and reproductive health (SRH) topics. This platform was co-created along with more than 1,000 Venezuelan women to facilitate support and information on safe self-managed abortion and contraception care.

With Aya Contigo, we aim to support those who need abortions to exercise their reproductive autonomy by having accurate information, kind support, and access to a referral network of SRH healthcare centres in Venezuela.

Aya Contigo is free and available in Spanish. You can find us through:

– The Google Play Store in Venezuela as “Aya Contigo”
– WhatsApp: +1 778-715-5101
– Our website:

In Aya Contigo, you will find:

  • Basic information on contraception and explore which methods are the best for you.
  • A self-assessment tool that calculates the number of weeks of pregnancy and eligibility for a medical abortion.
  • Seven steps that provide information and support for self-management of medical abortion pills.
  • Information and emotional support through self-care techniques.
  • Access to a team of SRH counsellors.
  • Access to a referral SRH healthcare network.

Also, at Aya Contigo we take your safety very seriously. We do not store any personal information that can compromise our users’ security. We do not share any of your data with third parties.

You can support us by sharing and spreading the word with your colleagues, friends, and loved ones. Follow us and share our social media content on Instagram and Facebook

You can also reach us at for more information or visit our website at

+++  En español

Aya Contigo llega a Venezuela: una nueva compañera virtual para el cuidado y las necesidades de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR).

Vitala Global lanzó Aya Contigo en Venezuela el pasado mes de marzo. Aya Contigo es una aplicación web progresiva para smartphones y una plataforma de acompañamiento virtual que ofrece información sobre el aborto seguro con medicamentos y otros temas de salud sexual y reproductiva (SSR). Esta plataforma fue co-creada junto a más de 1000 mujeres venezolanas para facilitar el acceso a información precisa sobre anticoncepción y el aborto con medicamentos autogestionado

A ravés de Aya Contigo, queremos apoyar a quienes necesitan abortar para que ejerzan su autonomía reproductiva al contar con información precisa, acompañamiento amigable y acceso a una red de referencia de centros de atención a la SSR en Venezuela.

Aya Contigo es una herramienta gratuita y está disponible en español. Puedes encontrarnos a través de:

– La Google Play Store en Venezuela como “Aya Contigo”
– WhatsApp: +1 778-715-5101
– Nuestra página web:

En Aya Contigo encontrarás:

  • Información básica sobre anticoncepción y explorar los métodos que más se adecuen a tus necesidades
  • Una calculadora para determinar las semanas de embarazo
  • 7 pasos que proporcionan información y apoyo para la autogestión del aborto con medicamentos
  • Información y apoyo emocional a través de técnicas de autocuidado
  • Acceso a un equipo de asesoras en SSR
  • Acceso a una red de proveedores de servicios de SSR

Además, en Aya Contigo nos tomamos muy en serio tu seguridad. No almacenamos ninguna información personal que pueda comprometer la seguridad de nuestras usuarias. No compartimos ninguno de tus datos con terceros.

Puedes apoyarnos compartiendo y difundiendo el mensaje con tus colegas, amistades y seres queridos. Siguenos y comparte nuestro contenido en Instagram y Facebook.

También puedes contactarnos a través de o visitar nuestra página

SOURCES: E-mail from Roopan Gill for Vitala Global, 12 April 2022, and further information at: