‘Remember This Crowd’ documentary series is an oral history project we, as Women for Women’s Human Rights – New Ways, have embarked on to look back at the campaigns held by the feminist movement through its/our history and foster a collective memory of the crowds that have come together in our growing struggle over the years.
The first film of the series focuses on the Istanbul Convention, which has become a matter of heated public debate throughout last year and continues to be so. In the documentary, we revisit the origins of the Istanbul Convention dating back to the European Court of Human Right’s decision on the Nahide Opuz case. Once again we recognize the efforts given by the feminists in Turkey in the formation of the Convention, as well as the struggle we waged during Turkey’s official withdrawal from the Convention. We turn to Feride Acar, Canan Arın, Şehnaz Kıymaz Bahçeci, Meral Danış Beştaş, Feride Eralp and Yıldız Tar to listen to the history behind the slogan, “The Istanbul Convention is Ours”.
The video and the above introduction was published on 4 April 2022, and on 6 April there had already been 4,353 views.
SOURCE: Bu Kalabalığı Hatırla 1. Bölüm:İstanbul Sözleşmesi/Remember This Crowd – Episode 1: Istanbul Convention, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNVYwdg-yl8