Two Lines = Pregnant is a graphic novel, created by Julia Hansen and published by RFSU Sweden. It contains Julia’s own story about her abortion. The story describes how an abortion is done, from Julia taking her first positive pregnancy test until she takes a new test two weeks after the abortion, which is negative. It has four chapters: the test, the clinic, the preparation, and D-Day.
It is also “About the body. About anxiety and frustration. About vomiting, pain, tears and blood. But also about joy and relief over doing something that feels just right.”
It was originally published in Swedish and is now also available in English.
On the same website you can find a visually interpreted version of Two lines = pregnant if you cannot look at the drawings and the written text. It is text only.
You can also find a 20-page PDF called About Abortion, about the history of the law and practice of abortion in Sweden and internationally.