Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Argentina; Instituto de Género, Derecho y Desarrollo – InsgenarAccess to legal abortion in Argentina currently faces a range of obstacles: the abuse of conscientious objection in violation of legal and ethical standards; poor training of health care providers in clinical management of legal abortions; restrictive regulations on legal abortions in some parts of the country; barriers through administrative and judicial regulations when women request a legal abortion; limited dissemination of and limited access to information on women’s rights, especially sexual and reproductive rights; and to a lesser extent, the persistence of reporting of women having abortions to the police by health professionals.In response to this scenario, we present this collection of resources on access to legal abortion, as a contribution to the strengthening of technical capacity in the field of litigation and the construction of advocacy arguments to have political impact. These multimedia resources will be accessible to those at national and international level with some background in the law and jurisprudence on the subject of access to safe and legal abortion. A compilation of research and scientific work on the subject is also included. Website sections cover national jurisprudence, national norms, a case of international litigation, regional jurisprudence, the UN and the European Court of Human Rights.SEE: Estrategias para mejorar el acceso de mujeres y niñas al aborto no punible en Argentina: Herramientas para la acción