“We call for immediate withdrawal of all charges against Justyna Wydrzyńska”.
On 7 April, solidarity demonstrations took place in London, The Hague and cities in Ireland.
Argentinian women who secured their right to abortion last year sent words of
support to Justyna:
“We love you, we won’t give in and we will keep helping with abortions”.
More than 76 Members of the European Parliament signed an appeal to the government of Poland, calling for “immediate withdrawal of all charges against Justyna Wydrzyńska”.
Ordo Iuris, an anti-abortion, fundamentalist group said to be financed by the Kremlin, stands by the abusive husband. Their Russian connections were revealed to the public two years ago; even so, the Polish Government continues to cooperate with those fundamentalists, whose influences become even more visible.
This is the first case in Europe of an activist being charged for helping someone access an abortion with pills. Justyna is an activist working with Abortion Dream Team in Poland, and is the founder of Kobiety w Sieci, both of which are members of Abortion Without Borders.
Please post your support for Justyna today!! We want to make as much noise as we can to support her, and to call on the public prosecutor’s office to drop the charges.
Suggested social media posts:
Twitter post 1
Justyna is being charged under Polish anti-abortion laws tomorrow morning 6 April in Warsaw.
This is not in the public interest and we call on @ZiobroPL to drop the charges.
Sign the Amnesty petition! https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/activist-defending-safe-abortion-risks-jail
Twitter post 2
If I knew someone needed help, I would help them.
Justyna shouldn’t be punished for helping someone access abortion pills when they needed them. Drop the charges, @ZiobroPL! #IAmJustyna
Facebook post 1
Justyna Wydrzyńska is being charged under Polish anti-abortion laws tomorrow morning in Warsaw.
It is not in the public interest to sentence someone for helping someone access abortion pills when they needed them. We call on the public prosecutor Zbigniew Ziobro to drop the charges!
Sign the petition: https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/activist-defending-safe-abortion-risks-jail #jakJustyna
We suggest you share the above image of Justyna to your grid and then to your Instagram story at 11:00am CET, adding the link sticker to the Amnesty petition: https://www.amnesty.org.uk/urgent-actions/activist-defending-safe-abortion-risks-jail and the hashtags #jakJustyna and #IAmJustyna.
Or make your own post!
Abortion Without Borders are trying to make noise at 11am CET on Thursday 7 April, but it’s fine to post your support for Justyna any time this week, sharing key actions such as the Amnesty petition in English, Polish, Dutch, French, and German, and using the hashtags #jakJustyna and IAmJustyna.
There are also various press articles in English you might like to share, for example in the Guardian, the Cut, Al Jazeera, BBC Woman’s Hour and NPR’s The World. There are also demonstrations happening across Poland and a solidarity demo in London.
SOURCEs: Abortion Support Network, E-mail, 5 April 2022 ; Abortion Dream Team, E-mail, 7 April 2022