Following the decision by a court in the Netherlands earlier this month not to approve telemedicine for first trimester abortion, a petition has been posted on, calling on the parliament in the Netherlands as follows: “Women who live with anyone who has Covid-19 symptoms should not visit an abortion clinic. So they cannot terminate an unwanted pregnancy. This also applies to people who cannot visit an abortion clinic unnoticed because of an unsafe home situation. We see this as a violation of the right to abortion.” The petition asks the House of Representatives to “find an emergency solution to this situation, e.g. by adopting an urgent law that guarantees the right to abortion in the time of Covid-19”.
Note: The slogan in the photograph is taken from the original slogan “Boss of My Own Belly” coined by Wij Vrouwen Eisen (We Women Demand), the national campaign in the Netherlands, launched in 1979, to demand legal abortion. Ook nu = also now!