“Self Managed: An Abortion Story in Eight Parts” is a podcast series that dives into the practice of self-managed abortion (SMA). They have interviewed people with wide-ranging perspectives on the medical, legal, technological, and personal questions that arise within SMA. Their vision is to build a chorus of voices that demystifies SMA in a free, user-friendly platform. The eight parts are:
Part 1: A Story To Introduce Self-Managed Abortion
Part 2: Choosing Self-Managed Abortion
Part 3: The Abortion Pill, RU486
Part 4: Criminalizing Pregnant People
Part 5: Midwives & Home Abortion
Part 6: Abortion Access in the Mountains
Part 7: Providing Abortions during Covid-19
Part 8: Telling Abortion Stories
AVAILABLE AT: smapodcast.org, Apple Podcasts