Expanding choice through online contraception: a theory of change to inform service development and evaluation

BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health


Standards for online and remote providers of sexual and reproductive health services

Sexually Transmitted Infections,January2019


Les impacts genrés du Coronavirus – Les femmes sur la ligne de front de la pandémie

CNCD Belgium, 21 April 2020



PHOTO: iStock/poba

‘No evidence’ you can’t get Covid-19 twice, says World Health Organization

WHO said there is currently “no evidence” that people who have recovered from Covid-19 are protected from a second infection – even if they now have antibodies against it. They warned against issuing “immunity passports” or “risk-free certificates” to people who have been infected, saying the practice may actually increase the risk of spread as they may ignore standard advice. They also warned that the accuracy and reliability of tests for antibodies to coronavirus were not certain.

Guardian Live, 25 April 2020


Wearing face masks in the community during the COVID-19 pandemic: altruism and solidarity

Lancet2020; 16 April


CoHERE – a call for a post-pandemic health strategy

The Lancet, by Richard Horton, 18 April 2020


Protecting workers aged 60–69 years from COVID-19

The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 16 April 2020



VISUAL: Cristina Spano

Coronavirus: La destruction des écosystèmes par l’humain favorise l’émergence d’épidémiesCourrierinternational, 28 March 2020