Mozambique liberalised its abortion law in 2014, grantinglegal abortion on request in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and longer upperlimits in cases of rape, incest and fetal anomaly. The Associação Moçambicanade Obstetras e Ginecologistas (AMOG), a member of FIGO, was proud to supportthis change in the law. Clinical norms to guide treatment were also madeavailable, and benefitted from AMOG’s technical expertise while beingdeveloped.
However, barriers that prevent women accessing abortion careremain; the law is often not being implemented. Avoidable deaths are stillhappening. An estimated 11-18% of hospital maternal deathsare due tounsafe abortion, the same figure as in 2008.
AMOGis partnering with FIGO on theAdvocatingfor Safe Abortion Project. They will be working with their members in everyprovince of Mozambique, to train them and other healthcare providers on the lawand clinical norms. They are also supporting the generation of betterevidence and data, through partnering with universities and the Ministry ofHealth, to facilitate better understanding of the issue and the barriers to lawimplementation. Lastly, they are supporting journalists to write accurate andengaging stories about safe abortion, and disseminating messages tocommunities, to help sensitise and change social norms.
SOURCE: FIGO News, 2 March 2020