International Safe Abortion Day – 28 September 2021 – Some of the Reports in the Media


Meet the Latin American women who launched the Global Day of Action for Safe and Legal Abortion at the 5th Encuentro Feminista de América Latina y el Caribe in November 1990.

They include: Marisa Matamala from Chile (now age 81), Elvira Lutz from Uruguay (now age 85), Cristina Grela from Uruguay (now age 77), Alicia Cacopardo from Argentina (now age 85), Mabel Bianco from Argentina (now age 80), and Morena Herrera from El Salvador (the youngest).

Open Democracy, by Mariana Carbajal, 28.09.2021 ; PHOTO by Elvira Lutz, 1990



Avortement médicalisé : près de 20 ans après le protocole de Maputo, où en est-t-on?
(Safe abortion: almost 20 years after the Maputo Protocol, where are we?) 

BBC Afrique, by Awa Cheikh Faye, 28.09.2021



Celestina Andoh

For International Safe Abortion Day, the Executive Secretary of the Indigenous Women Health Network of Ghana, Ms Celestina Andoh, called for improved access to contraceptive services for young girls and women, who find it extremely difficult to access methods and then end up with unintended pregnancies. Ghana recorded 555,575 teenage pregnancies between 2016 and 2020, among whom were 13,444 girls aged 10-14. Ghana Web, 29.09.21

Also reported in Joy Online, by Nestor Kafui Adjomah, 30.9.21


Ghana recorded 200k abortions in 2017, a study by the Guttmacher Institute has revealed, and estimates 71% of the abortions were illegal and unsafe, despite the nations’ relatively liberal abortion law and efforts to expand access to safe abortion services.

My Joy Online, 30.09.2021


Led by the Director of Medical Affairs at the Korle Bu Teaching
Hospital, Dr Ali Samba educates journalists on the use of
manual vacuum aspirators (MVA) in Ghana

Safe Abortion Day: DKT International Ghana holds roundtable discussion to create awareness.

Peace FM Online, 27.09.2021


Unsafe abortions contribute to Ghana’s high maternal mortality.

Modern Ghana, by Dr Ali Samba, 30.09.2021



Siku ya Utoaji Mimba Salama: Wanawake wakieleza waliyoyapitia walipoavya mimba
(Safe Abortion Day: Women recounting their experiences during an abortion). 

BBC Swahili, 28.09.2021 ; VISUAL: Getty Images/BBC



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Opinion: A look at new abortion guidelines

Spotlight, by Marion Stevens, Daphney Nozizwe Conco, 28.9.2021 ; PHOTO: Marion Stevens


International Safe Abortion Day: New clinical guidelines for South Africa to empower healthcare workers

Daily Maverick, by Marion Stevens, Daphney Nozizwe Conco, 28.9.2021


Big acts, little access: The disconnect between SA’s abortion policies and women’s lived realities

Spotlight, by Boitumelo Masipa, Thembi Mahlathi, 28.9.2021 ; PHOTO: Ashraf Hendricks/Groundup


Safe and dignified – breaking the stigma of medication abortion

Barriers to safe abortions in South Africa include requirements such as mandatory waiting periods, mandatory counselling, provision of misleading information, third-party authorisation, and unnecessary tests that delay care. To address this and increase access to safe abortion care, in 2017, MSF streamlined its protocols for an abortion with pills and removed routine medical testing, such as ultrasound and blood tests.

Cape Times, 30.09.2021


Unsafe abortions increase during pandemic

The Star, by Sonri Naidoo, 29.09.2021 ; PHOTO: Dr-Tlaleng Mofokeng. File picture, African News Agency


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Call to remove stigma surrounding abortions for safe, legal procedure

Pretoria News, by Goitsemang Tlhabye, 01.10.2021 ; PHOTO: Jacques Naude/African News Agency



Stigma is the main cause of unsafe abortions

“We want to ensure that we reduce the rates of unsafe abortion, especially at the community level, where women and young girls are using rudimentary methods to terminate unwanted pregnancies,” said Yiga Musa, team leader of the Community Health Rights Network (Cohorinet), a non-governmental organisation that deals with sexual and reproductive health services and rights.

Daily Monitor, by Shabibah Nakirigya, 27.09.2021 ; PHOTO: Promise Twinamukye



Dr Labode, member of Parliament

Push to review abortion legislation

Two bodies of newly born babies were found in a bin in Harare recently. Because of the lack of accessible contraceptives  during Covid-19, 5,000 girls were reported to have fallen pregnant in January alone, and the abandonment of unwanted babies is one of the outcomes. Unsafe abortions are another… The health sector is currently burdened with costly post-abortion care, as reported by Dr Labode, a member of Parliament. The article calls for abortion law reform and access to safe abortion as essential heath care, making unsafe abortion history.

The Herald, by Edinah Masiyiwa, 27.09.2021


Women’s Action Group advocates for safer abortion

During International Safe Abortion Day commemorations in Bindura, Women’s Action Group Executive Director Edinah Masiyiwa called for a review of the archaic 1977 Termination of Pregnancy Act to allow for safe abortion and post-abortion services. According to the 2021 Demographic Health Survey, 30% of maternal mortality in Zimbabwe is due to unsafe abortions.

Newsday, by Tatenda Square, 02.10.2021




On International Safe Abortion Day, let us see how to do sensitive reporting on abortion issue. Abortion and related news are covered in the media as more socio-political issues than health issues. This affects the mindset of the people towards abortion. Even though abortion is legal in India, society sees it as a ‘crime’… The way abortion is portrayed in the media has an impact on the people at large. That’s why a sensitive and accurate approach and understanding is essential when reporting on abortions. The media report should encourage the discussion among the people about abortion and the stereotypical mentality associated with it to end. The media should avoid the use of graphic images of pregnant women and fully grown fetuses while reporting on abortion. Progressive media coverage on abortion should include views from policy makers as well as health experts. The media can also play an active role in supporting those who want to tell their stories.

Feminism India, by Kirti Rawat, 27.09.2021


International Safe Abortion Day observed

Voluntary body SAKAR in association with Common Health observed September 28 as International Safe Abortion Day: A Call to Action. As part of the day, an awareness camp among women aged 18 to 50 was conducted at Radhakantapur gram panchayat office in Begunia block in Khordha district, in which 45 women including some ASHA and Anganwadi Workers and Krushi Mitras participated.

The Pioneer, by Bhubaneswar, 30.09.2021



Japan urged to abolish third-party consent from abortion law

The Guardian, by Justin McCurry, 27.09.2021


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“Achieving Safe Abortion”: Online awareness activities and lectures

An event calling for the realisation of safe abortion to protect women from unintentional pregnancy and childbirth was held online on the 28th, and the growing use of medical abortion pills overseas was reported.

NHK World-Japan, 29.09.2021



Abortion is a health service and choice is the most fundamental part of life (in Thai)

Voice TV Online, 28.09.2021



European Atlas 

Which country in Europe ranks worst for access to abortion?

According to the European Abortion Policies Atlas, published on Tuesday to mark International Safe Abortion Day, most European Union member states allow abortion on request – where the decision is made by the woman alone. But abortion also technically remains a crime in 14 of Europe’s 52 countries. Furthermore, abortion is not included in the national health system’s financial coverage in 31 European countries. In general, northern and western European countries rank better in the Atlas. But perhaps unsurprisingly, Malta, Andorra, Gibraltar, Lichtenstein, Monaco and Poland have the lowest scores.

EuroNews, 29.09.21 ; Covered also in Open Democracy, by Tatev Hovhannisyan, 28.09.2021



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Paris: Demonstration for the right to abortion, 25.09.21

Journée mondiale du droit à l’avortement : interrompez vos «mais» (International Safe Abortion Day: no ifs, no buts)

Libération, by Lauren Provost, 27.09.2021 ; PHOTO by Cyril Zannettacci, Vu pour Libération


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Le Droit à l’Avortement : un combat sans fin pour garantir la liberté de disposer de son corps
(The right to abortion: a never-ending struggle for control over one’s own body)

Fondation Jean Jaurès, by Amandine Clavaud , Deborah Rouach, 27.09.2021



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Safe Abortion Day „Der Paragraf 218 muss weg!“
(Safe Abortion Day – “Paragraph 218 has to go!”)” 

Journal-Frankfurt, by Margaux Adam, 28.09.2021



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Abortion rights campaigners gather for 10th annual ‘March For Choice’

98FM, 25.09.2021


Members of ROSA, the Irish socialist feminist group, gathered outside the US embassy in Dublin on 28 September in solidarity with the people of Texas fighting the recent state law banning most abortions in the jurisdiction. Members of were dressed as “handmaids” when they handed a ‘thank you’ letter signed from the Republic of Gilead to the US embassy. It said the nod to The Handmaid’s Tale was symbolic street theatre “to lampoon the retrograde and misogynistic law and to call on the US government to act to uphold abortion rights”.

Irish Examiner, by Michelle McGlynn, 28.09.2021



Giornata Internazionale Dell’Aborto Sicuro: LAIGA: “67% dei Medici Sono Obiettori, 65% Ospedali Non Pratica l’Aborto”. Non Una Di Meno in Piazza a Roma
(International Safe Abortion Day: LAIGA “67% of doctors are objectors, 65% of hospitals do not practise abortion”) 

Action in the Piazza of Rome by LAIGA (Libera Associazione Italiana Ginecologi per Applicazione Legge 194)

Radio Onda D’Urto, by Eleonora Sironi, 28.09.2021 ; PHOTO Non Una Di Meno in the Piazza in Rome


Giornata dell’aborto sicuro: l’Italia in ritardo su quello farmacologico. La somministrazione in ambulatori e consultori? (Quasi) mai attivata
(Safe Abortion Day: Italy lags behind on medical abortion. Abortion in clinics and counselling centers? – (Almost) never provided.) 

Il Fatto Quotidiano, by Eleonora Cirant, 28.09.2021


La presenza dei medici obiettori nei consultori del Lazio è un attacco al diritto all’aborto
(Conscientious objection among doctors at Lazio clinics is an attack on the right to abortion)

A survey conducted by Non Una di Meno, the Coordination of Women’s Assemblies and others was presented today in Rome to the Ministry of Health; it emerged that the numbers of conscientious objectors in Lazio are very high. Not only in hospitals, but also in clinics.

FanPage, 28.09.2021


Giornata internazionale dell’aborto libero, gratuito e sicuro
(International Day for free, free-of-charge and safe abortion) 

NonunadimenoSiena and the Movimento Pansexuale Arcigay Siena turned out today in front of the main entrance of the Le Scotte Hospital in Siena on the occasion of 28 September. Their banner contained a very clear and strong message: “Abortion is a right, out of the hospital, objectors!”

Il Cittadino, 28.09.2021



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L’étranger, unique recours pour des Polonaises privées d’IVG
(Going abroad the only option for Polish women denied abortion access)

Libération, by Nelly Didelot, 28.09.2021


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Banner ‘Polish women demand legal abortion’
Photo: Krzysztof Hadrian / Agencja Gazeta

Światowy Dzień Bezpiecznej Aborcji. “Nie będziemy dziewczynkami do bicia”
(International Safe Abortion Day. “We’re not gonna be whipping girls”) 

Stigmatised, humiliated, intimidated – this is the fate of women who decide to terminate their pregnancies in countries with restrictive abortion laws.

Wyborcza, by Dominika Wantuch, 28.09.2021


Belgium to give funds to women unable to get an abortion in Poland. Good news on International Safe Abortion Day

Sarah Schlitz, the Belgian junior Minister for Gender Equality, said she and the health minister Frank Vandenbroucke had “taken the decision to send a strong signal” about the need for women’s rights in Poland. (EuroNews)

EuroNews, 29.09.2021 ; Glamour, by Agnieszka Oleszek, 28.09.2021 ; Washington Post, by Claire Parker, 30.09.2021



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PHOTO by Álvaro Minguito

Las jóvenes, protagonistas en el día de acción global por la despenalización del aborto
(Young women and girls at the forefront of global action for the decriminalisation of abortion) 

El Salto Diario, by Susana Albarrán Méndez, 28.09.2021



Latin America 

El Salvador



Las latinoamericanas vuelven a salir a las calles para exigir un aborto libre y seguro
(Latin American women take to the streets again to demand safe and free abortion) 

Las mujeres de Latinoamérica reivindican que se deje decriminalizar el aborto
(The women of Latin America call for the decriminalisation of abortion) 

Thousands marched for abortion rights across Latin America on Tuesday, holding placards and banners that read “It is my right to decide” and “legal abortion for health and life,” as they demanded reproductive freedoms in a region known for some of the world’s strictest anti-abortion laws.

France24, by Alba Santana, 29.09.2021 ; CNN World, by Tara John, Karol Suarez, Hira Humayun, Stefano Pozzebon, 29.09.2021 ; Reuters, by Ana Isabel Martinez, 29.09.2021 ; El Día, 29.09.2021



28 Septiembre: según Amnistía, Argentina es un “país faro” en aborto legal pero hay “barreras” de acceso
(28 Sept: According to Amnesty, Argentina is a “leading country” on legal abortion but there are “barriers” to access.) 

Página 12, 28.09.2021


El primer #28S con aborto legal en Argentina
(The first #28Sept with legal abortion in Argentina) 

LatFem, by Solange Avena, 29.09.2021 (photos)



Aborto legal e seguro não é um assunto de religião, mas de saúde pública
(Legal and safe abortion is a question of public health, not of religion)

Folha de S. Paulo, by Djamila Ribeiro, 30.09.2021


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Aborto legal, seguro e gratuito: saiba mais sobre a luta das mulheres
(Free, safe and legal abortion: learn more about the women’s struggle) 

Brasil de Fato, by Sonia Coelho, 28.09.2021



Chile takes ‘first step’ towards decriminalising abortion. Proposed bill to legalise abortion up to 14 weeks hailed by Chilean legislator as ‘tremendous’ step for women’s rights.

Al Jazeera, 28.09.2021 ; PHOTO: Daniel Becerril/Reuters




A feminist accident: On abortion as part of society

Mada Masr, by Nana Abuelsoud, 28.09.2021




Women First Digital’s teams up with Doctors Without Borders to launch ground-breaking video series on self-managed abortion

Business Wire, by Katherine Ladner, 27.09.2021