GLOBAL – Next Generations: MARCH Centre Report and Strategy 2023-2027 (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

MARCH Centre stands for Maternal, Adolescent, Reproductive & Child Health Centre. The Centre brings together over 550 researchers at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), with a range of expertise across 50 disciplines.

The report highlights Covid-19, conflict, climate, and the cost of living crisis emphasising their contextual role and recognising that women, children and adolescents are often the most vulnerable to these risk factors.

The Covid-19 pandemic and the damaging ‘fake news’ infodemic which shadowed the pandemic demonstrated  the urgent need for evidence and evidence-based decisions. The LSHTM is committed…to producing high quality, impactful and policy relevant research. This report presents a systematic review of more than 600 research studies (2018-2022) related to MARCH Centre topics.

In these uncertain times, this report highlights major ongoing research with impact, and identifies the next generation of research that, if funded, could also make rapid contributions towards achieving the SDGs. Central to this mission is enabling and supporting next generation research leadership. We are especially delighted to have jointly developed and commenced co-delivery of a new Master’s programme in partnership with the University of Ghana. The programme is designed to advance sexual and reproductive health policy and planning, and supports dedicated scholarships for African students. We hope that more programmes like this can be launched… to help realise MARCH’s mission of improving health worldwide for every newborn, every adolescent, and every woman.

This report is an in-depth reminder of the larger picture of the extent of ill-health and negative policies affecting all sexual and reproductive health and rights.

FULL REPORT: MARCH Centre Report & Strategy 2023-27

WEBSITE: march.lshtm,