Save lives from Covid-19: Receive and share only positive information
Gender in Action and the Gender and Development Platform have organised two webinars on the themes of diversity of the situation in several countries, feminist mobilisations, and the role of international development and international solidarity. The first webinar, on 23 April, focused on the impact of Covid-19 on women and gender in French-speaking Africa, with speakers from Burkina Faso, Senegal and Cameroon.The connection with the DRC did not work unfortunately.
The speakers tried to answer specific questions for their country: what is the current health status?What measures have been taken by the government and how are they applied?What are the impacts of the pandemic on women (which women?)? And gender relations in economic and social terms?How is the gender issue taken into account by the government, NGOs?How do women’s associations get involved?What are your recommendations?
A complete PDF version of the 23 April presentationsand a range of photographs is availablehere.Each of the reports in the PDF covers statistics of cases and deaths, consequences for the economy looking specifically at effects on women, measures taken by countries, repercussions of the health crisis for women, quotes from women, photographs (e.g. a closed street market), effects for women regarding health and social care, social roles and family responsibilities, action by and for women in response to the crisis, and a long list of recommendations. The webinar has been recorded and will be available soon.
The webinar on 30 April was on “Quelles réponses de la coopération/solidarité internationale ?” (Responses of international cooperation and solidarity). It will be available on the website at a later date.
SOURCE:Genre en Action, end of April 2020