CANADA – Pharmacare: Let’s Make Universal Contraception Happen

by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

Right now, we are at a pivotal moment in Canadian healthcare history with the introduction of pharmacare. Currently, our government is debating the coverage of contraception, and it’s essential that we make our voices heard. Everyone should be able to make independent decisions about their future and health without financial barriers. Under a universal pharmacare plan, people will be empowered to select the type of contraception that works best for their health needs, and not just the method they can afford.

Universal contraception is not just about preventing unplanned pregnancies; it’s about empowering individuals to make choices about their own bodies, their relationships, when or with whom to become parents, or their studies and career. This policy benefits individuals, families, and communities across the country.

We call on all Canadians to write to your representatives today: “We have a great opportunity to roll out a single-payer pharmacare plan as early as next spring 2025, but only if we act NOW.” Go to this website for details!

“While lobbyists for insurance and big pharma want to prevent progress, we know that we can win. Passing pharmacare now will make Canada healthier, more equitable and more affordable.”