CANADA – Clinic 554, Fredericton, New Brunswick, closing

InMay 2019, we reported that Clinic 554 (formerly the Morgenthaler Clinic) hadreceivedthePeter Gillespie Social Justice Award,recognising their commitment to sexual and reproductivehealth and rights.It is the onlyfreestanding abortion clinic in the province of New Brunswick, and alsoprovides health care to much of the province’s transgender population. Theclinic has previously relied on crowd-sourced donations to stay open, and staffwould sometimes forgo payment from patients in order to provide services. Because of NewBrunswick’s refusal to coverabortions performed outside ofa hospital,which advocates say violates the Canada Health Act, clinic director AdrianEdgar said:“it is financially unsustainable for us to keep our doorsopen. The clinic has been placed for sale.” He is hoping the next federalgovernment might intervene. “I am sad that during this federal election, ourleaders have focused on whether or not they’ll ‘reopen the debate’ on abortion,rather than the real crisis at hand: access,” he said.As one of theclinic’s supporters said: “It is absolutelyegregious that anybody in Canada, with our universal healthcare system, wouldhave to crowdsource for their ability to have health care.”

SOURCES: HuffingtonPost Canada/PHOTO, by Maija Kappler, 11 October 2019 ; IHeartRadio, by Charles Renshaw, 10 October 2019 ; Campaignnewsletter report, 10 May 2019