The Network of Young Midwives of Benin (RJSFB) officially began its activities on 12 May 2023 by unveiling its vision, objectives and action plan to the general public. The RJSFB had a solemn ceremony in Cotonou, which brought together around 30 midwives and partner organisations in the field of maternal health in Benin.
The mission of the RJFSB is to “contribute to the reduction of maternal, neonatal, infant, adolescent and youth morbidity and death”. According to Inès Garba, the national coordinator, the network constitutes “a synergy of young midwives trained in Benin, in particular at the Institute for Training in Obstetrical Nursing Science (IFSIO) in Parakou and at the National Medical Health Institute (INMES ) of Cotonou.”
Presented by Goura Orou Wianso, communications and mobilisation officer of the network, the RJSFB wants to achieve a world where women, children, adolescents and young people fully enjoy their sexual and reproductive health rights. To best fulfil its mission, the network is structured into coordination committees with dynamic and competent young women within them.
They already have a busy action plan. For example, they plan to organise inter-generational spaces to discuss the progress of the midwifery profession in Benin and internationally, to strengthen the capacities of midwives in Benin, and to carry out digital awareness campaigns on breastfeeding, safe abortion, breast cancer, and more.
The RJSFB network has received technical and financial support from ODAS, the Organisation for Dialogue on Safe Abortion in Francophone Africa. “It is with great pleasure and pride that we see that the young generation is working hard for the cause of women and girls. It is therefore with great enthusiasm that ODAS supports this initiative,” said Merveille Ayihounton, the ODAS representative in Benin.
The launch was enriched by a communication on the theme of the International Day of the Midwife in 2023: “Together again, from evidence to reality”. It was moderated by the president of the Association of Midwives of Benin, Laurence Montéiro, who recalled the missions and duties incumbent on the profession of midwife.
SOURCE: Matin Libre, 19 May 2023 (translated from French) + PHOTO by Matin Libre