A law is not the point of arrival of a right but a door to a new stage, which demands an attentive look so that this right becomes the reality of people’s daily lives. Therefore, the Mirar Project is monitoring the implementation of Law 27,610 on Access to Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy and Post-Abortion Care in Argentina. But why carry out monitoring?
On the one hand, the CEDES initiative in partnership with Ibis Reproductive Health understands that “looking” at voluntary and legal abortion in Argentina is key to providing information on the implementation of public policies, generating informed advocacy actions and collaborating in this way so that more people know their rights.
On the other hand, monitoring is strategic — to contribute to improving access and quality in the provision of abortions by sharing information, identifying barriers and proposing actions. To collect, produce, analyse and disseminate information, the Mirar Project systematises data from public sources, makes requests for access to public information and consults public policy managers, health system actors, laws and activists, as well as analysing how the media cover the issue.
More than two years after the enactment of the abortion law in Argentina, there are still situations of prosecution of professionals who provide abortions, conservative communities in which access to the right is limited, or health teams that misuse conscientious objection due to misinformation. Faced with this, the Mirar Project seeks to communicate about abortion as a legitimate option and an exercise of autonomy for women and others with the capacity to get pregnant, making information on the implementation of the law accessible and promoting spaces for exchange between the different actors that aim to guarantee the right to decide.
The Mirar Project understands that information is key to guide action, build an agenda, develop tools for the evaluation of abortion services, and contribute to the accountability of public policies. To strengthen access to abortion in public, private and social security health services, the Mirar Project promotes dialogues between strategic actors for which validated data from multiple sources are crucial. Thus, it is proposed to promote conditions of legitimacy and consensus that allow us to keep legal and voluntary abortion on the agenda and improve access and quality in the provision of abortions in Argentina.
Thematic Report
Quality: The two-year challenge of the law on abortion
December 2022
This publication investigates the problems and good practices that must be put on the agenda to guarantee quality in the provision of abortions.
SOURCE: CEDES Looking at abortion in Argentina, Newsletter April 2023