ARGENTINA – The directions of Argentina’s experience with legal abortion: Annual Report 2022

ARGENTINA – The directions of Argentina’s experience with legal abortion: Annual Report 2022

Los medios de comunicación se hicieron eco del Reporte anual 2022: “Los rumbos de la experiencia argentina con el aborto legal” que realizó Proyecto Mirar, la iniciativa del CEDES en alianza con Ibis Reproductive Health que monitorea la implementación de la Ley 27.610 en Argentina.

(The media echoed the Annual Report 2022: “The directions of the Argentine experience with legal abortion” carried out by Proyecto Mirar, the CEDES initiative in partnership with Ibis Reproductive Health that monitors the implementation of Law 27,610 in Argentina.)

Difundir la información sobre los avances, cuellos de botella y desafíos de la política de acceso al aborto es fundamental para contribuir al ejercicio de decisiones libres e informadas sobre la sexualidad y la capacidad reproductiva, más cerca de la vida cotidiana y de los deseos de las personas.

(Disseminating information about the progress, bottlenecks, and challenges of the abortion access policy is essential to contribute to the exercise of free and informed decisions about sexuality and reproductive capacity, closer to daily life and the wishes of people.)

We share some reports from:

  • infobae: Covering access to abortion across the country – what has succeeded and what has failed in the first two years,
  • Página12: The city of Buenos Aires, Jujuy, Salta with the highest abortion rates and those with the lowest – Corrientes, Chaco and Misiones
  • TVP Género y Diversidad – Monitoring positive compliance with the abortion law
  • Télam Digital — A report highlights a 98% increase in public health services that provide abortions

… and more

SOURCE: Proyecto Mirar Annual Report 2022, E-mail:, 3 August 2023