ARGENTINA – Access to the Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy Law No. 27,610: full text

The following are excerpts from a translation into English of the text of Argentina’s new abortion law for REDAAS Argentina (Network for Access to Safe Abortion):

Article 1. Purpose
The purpose of this law is to regulate the access to the voluntary termination of pregnancy and post-abortion care, in compliance with the commitments undertaken by the Argentine Government regarding public health and human rights for women and people with other gender identities able to become pregnant, in order to help reduce preventable morbidity and mortality.

Article 2. Rights
Women and people with other gender identities able to become pregnant have the following rights:
a. to decide on the termination of their pregnancy as set forth herein;
b. to request and to gain access to health care for the termination of their pregnancy at the centers of the health care system, as set forth herein;
c. to request and to receive post-abortion care at the centers of the health care system, irrespective of the fact that the decision to proceed with the abortion was contrary to the legally authorized cases in accordance with this law;
d. to prevent unintentional pregnancy by way of access to information, comprehensive sexuality education and effective contraceptive methods.

Article 3. Constitutional Legal Framework
The provisions of this law are framed within Article 75(22) of the NATIONAL CONSTITUTION, the human rights treaties ratified by the ARGENTINE REPUBLIC, including the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and its Optional Protocol, the International Treaty on Socio-Economic and Cultural Rights, the International Treaty on Civil and Political Rights, the Inter-American Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará), the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in light of the protection of sexual and reproductive rights, dignity, life, autonomy, health, education, integrity, bodily diversity, gender identity, ethnic and cultural diversity, privacy, freedom of belief and thought, information, enjoyment of the benefits of scientific progress, real equality of opportunities, non-discrimination and a life free from violence granted by these instruments.

There are in total 22 articles. Starting from Article 4, they cover: legal grounds, healthcare rights (including privacy and confidentiality), information, informed consent (including children and those with limited capacity), conscientious objection and obligations of healthcare facilities, coverage and quality of benefits, amendments to and replacement of articles in the Criminal Code, training, enforcement, and…

Article 21. Public Policy
The provisions set forth herein embody rules of public policy and their application is mandatory throughout the territory of the Argentine Republic.

English: FULL TEXT OF THE TRANSLATION ; Translation by Tradoctas for REDAAS.

Español: The official version of the law in Spanish can be found here: Boletin Oficial Republica Argentina – Acceso a la Interrupción Voluntaria del Embarazo – Ley 27610