This year, Mujer y Salud en Uruguay (MYSU) is involved in organising the 9th National Day of Action for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (la 9na Jornada Nacional por la Salud y los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos) on 30 September in Montevideo. These national get-togethers, which have been held since 2012, bring together more than 70 organisations and networks and some 250 people from all over the country. They are an open space, interactive, diverse, and planned so that people can find out more about the work of the different activist groups involved and discuss the challenges and priorities for achieving sexual and reproductive rights as human rights. The overarching theme this year is “Social forces as agents for change” (Las Fuerzas Sociales como Agentes de Cambio). The priority issues on the agenda are: sexual and gender-based violence, led by Red Uruguaya contra la Violencia Doméstica y Sexual; abortion and sexual and reproductive health, led by MYSU; young people, led by the Comité de los Derechos del Niño Uruguay; sexual diversity, led by the Unión Trans del Uruguay; and HIV/AIDS, led by the Asociación de Ayuda al Sero Positivo. The day will end with a March for Diversity.
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