In London between 24 September and 2 October, there was a fundraiser for the Abortion Support Network, a quiz/music evening , a party for choice, and on on 2 October, a broad coalition of groups organised and participated in a full day of events that included:
- A panel of speakers from the UK and Ireland on the local and global state of abortion rights campaigning, including a slideshow on 8 September around the world.
- A panel on reproductive rights in Central and Eastern Europe with speakers from the region studying in UK
- A panel on progress and challenges in the first for sexual and reproductive rights in Latin America, with speakers from the region living in London.
- A workshop on tactics for direct action.
- A workshop on doctors in the fight for reproductive justice.
- A talk with Speaking of Imelda.
- A dance performance, an installation, a spoken word performance, a session on pro-choice craftwork and zine making, an exhibitions of art and one of photographs, and the showing of a series of pro-choice videos.
The room was packed with participants from many countries, the great majority young women, and the questions and discussion after each speaker got to the heart of the issues.