ROMANIA – Manifesto of the Romanian feminist activists for 28 September

Feminism Romania: Manifesto of the Romanian feminist activists for 28 September

On 28 September 2023, from 5:30 pm, join us in protest in front of the Ministry of Health!

We demand unrestricted and free-of-charge access to safe abortion!

We demand unrestricted and free-of-charge access to public reproductive and sexual health services for everyone!

We are outraged by all the tragedies and humiliations that women endure when trying to access public reproductive health services (e.g. abortion on demand, childbirth, gynaecological consultation).

In August this year, a 25-year-old woman, who was three months pregnant, arrived bleeding at the maternity hospital in Botosani city, northeastern Romania. Although she had repeatedly told the doctors and nurses in charge that the pain was unbearable, that she was bleeding and could no longer breathe, she was not given medical care for seven hours. The surgery she needed, an abortion, was not performed in time and she died in the hospital. Such tragedies must never happen again. We support all efforts to bring justice in this case and stand by her family and friends.

Shortly before this tragedy, a 24-year-old pregnant Roma woman with hearing and speech impairments arrived at the hospital in Urziceni town, in labour. Saying there was no gynaecologist on duty, the nurse urged the woman to go out in front of the hospital and wait there for an ambulance to take her to the hospital in Slobozia town, 60 kms away. By the time the ambulance arrived, the woman had given birth right there on the pavement.

We call for justice in these cases. They show exactly the state the public health system has reached.

Along with racism and a lack of care and empathy, the continued destruction of the public health system is turning many lives into a nightmare. We need to organise politically and prioritise how public money is spent.

On 28 September, in front of the Ministry of Health, we will demand a restoration of our government’s responsibility for our health. We don’t want more private clinics, we demand public hospitals with quality services. We demand anti-racist feminist education for all medical staff, paid from public funds.

Access to abortion on demand has worsened dramatically in recent years. We demand free and open access to safe abortion in public hospitals.

We demand unrestricted access to reproductive and sexual health for everyone. Most gynaecological services are expensive and difficult to access. At the same time, gynaecological and obstetric violence and humiliating treatment in maternity wards affects many people. Reproductive rights include: termination of pregnancies, stopping non-consensual sterilisations, contraception, family planning, safe pregnancy and childbirth, comprehensive sexuality education and correct information in schools, the workplace and the family.

We demand that private interests and ultra-conservative religious and other ideologies no longer interfere in sexual and reproductive health for all! Because conservative Christian Right groups have heavily funded the anti-choice movement, public institutions must defend sexual and reproductive health and rights!

Reproductive rights are inalienable! Public health services are the only ones that can ensure universal, free and safe access for everyone. Privatisation is not in our collective and public health interest.

We want to be TREATED, regardless of ethnicity, language, social status, skin colour, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, income and residence.

We demand a ban on conservative and misogynistic propaganda!

Stop the privatisation of the health system!

Join us on September 28 to demand all of these things together!

