INDONESIA – “Let’s move together to support women’s choices over their bodies”

Samsara has organised for the 28 September campaign since 2011, and now
we involving more networks to join us in Gerak 28 September (28 September Movement) at Yogyakarta,
Indonesia. Our allies chose the theme: “Let’s move together to support women’s choices over their bodies
in the context of the situation in Indonesia about abortion, that still
restricts for women. Our activities included:

– A Quiz Contest “Knowledge of Sexual and Reproductive Health
Rights in the Province of D.I.Yogyakarta” (for youth aged 16-24)

– Menstrual Pad Cloth Workshop for the community

Discussion: Our Bodies and Criminalization through the new draft Penal Code

– Film Screening:
Romanian film “4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days”, followed by discussion

– Educational
Workshop: Women’s Choice and Unplanned Pregnancy Situation, and

– September 28
Movement Solidarity Night.

We are facing so many new discriminatory regulations that affect bodily
autonomy, such as the new draft Penal Code that penalises abortion and women.
This text has been rejected by alliances of civil society and students with a
large demonstration over three days because there are so many problematic
aspects. We have shared the whole story on social media, but it is still
in Bahasa: Instagram and Twitter

SOURCE: Samsara Advocacy Officer