FRANCE – Haut Conseil à l’Égalité (High Council on Equality between Women and Men)

l’occasion de la journée mondiale du droit à l’#avortement du 28 septembre, le
Haut Conseil à l’Egalité rappelle que ce droit reste fragile et défend l’accès
à un avortement libre et gratuit pour toutes les femmes en France et à
l’international. (On the occasion of
International Safe Abortion Day on 28 September, the High Council on Equality
noes that this right remains fragile and defends access to free abortion
without restrictions for all women in France and internationally.)

The infographic says one in three women has an
abortion in her lifetime. To reinforce this right, they recommend: 1)
suppression of the conscience clause as it affects this medical service, and 2)
include the right to abortion in the constitution of France. They also offer
details of where to find free, confidential information.