BRAZIL – Statement of Associação Brasileira de Saúde Coletiva (ABRASCO) for 28 September 2019

We, teachers, researchers, students, managers, members of organised
social movements, health professionals, concerned with the guarantee of
democracy, the right to health and the Unified Health System – universal SUS,
public, free and good quality – who are gathered in João Pessoa at the 8th
Brazilian Congress of Social and Human Sciences in Health, express our
repudiation of the various forms of violation of our democracy and the
retraction of social rights that have been taking place in the health field,
education, the environment, science and technology, work and social welfare.

We defend respect for the international agreements signed by Brazil,
related to the guarantee of sexual and reproductive rights on which the life
and health of women of all social classes in the different regions of our
country depend.

We advocate health policies and programmes aimed at promoting health and
reducing the deaths of women associated with reproduction and gender.

September 28th is dedicated to the Latin American and Caribbean mobilisation
of the fight for decriminalisation and legalisation of abortion. The
possibility of terminating a pregnancy is a right denied to millions of women

In Brazil, the maintenance of the illegality of the practice mainly affects young, poor, black women, due to the denial to these women of safe health services, forcing them to seek clandestine procedures. Unsafe abortion has been one of the leading causes of preventable maternal death, which greatly compromises women’s quality of life and exacerbates the social inequality that persists in the country… (continues – em português)

Statement ; PHOTO: by Kio Lima, of Daniela Riva, coordenadora do GT Gênero e Saúde