On 5-7 September 2018, the International Campaign for Women’s Right to Safe Abortion hosted an International Forum in Lisbon, Portugal. The aim of the forum was to bring together thought leaders from around the world to examine synergies and discuss how to move global, regional and national work for the right to safe abortion forward.
Some 100 participants from 54 countries attended the Forum. They were abortion rights advocates, health policymakers and professionals, human rights and legal experts, youth activists, researchers, members of civil society organisations and academics. The combination of participants from the grassroots to the UN level secured a dynamic exchange of knowledge and experience.
In developing a global advocacy agenda, three thematic areas stood out as key drivers of change – medical abortion pills as new technology, law reform to ensure protection of rights and to promote public health, and lessons learned from campaigning and working as a movement.
Day 1 on Medical abortion pills: reconceptualising access to abortion
Day 2 on Working towards decriminalisation
Day 3 on Advocacy and the different faces of success: national case studies
See the agenda here
Read the forum report and the recommendations from the forum participants here