The Value of Life: Scientific and Moral Reflections onAbortion : A Video

What is life? When and how does it begin? Howdo we know it is present? Can we end it? And, if so, under whatcircumstances?

This new video from Catholics for Choice, introduced by Jon O’Brien, explores these critical questions for our age.

Around the world, people are debating,discussing, arguing and advocating about when human life begins and when itbegins to have a moral value. At the very center of the abortion wars is afundamental difference of opinion about the importance that people assign tolife in the womb.The Value of Life brings together experts from science,psychology, medicine and theology to wrestle with questions about the value oflife in the womb.

Featured topics and speakers:

Life, Abortion and Psychology, Stuart Derbyshire, Associate Professor inPsychology, National University of Singapore

Life, Abortion and Science, by Sandy Starr, Deputy Director, ProgressEducational Trust, UK

Life, Abortion andMedicalCare, by Callie Odula-Obonyo, KenyanObstetrician-Gynecologist

Life, Abortion and Patient Care, by Patricia Lohr, Medical Director, BritishPregnancy Advisory Service, UK

Life, Abortion and Religious Ethics, by Sheila Briggs, Associate Professor of Religion, Universityof Southern California, USA