VIRADA FEMINISTA – a 24 hour programme of talks by a huge range of people, mostly from Brazil but also from Nicaragua and Uruguay, including artists, philosophers, health professionals, activists,

BRAZIL: #PrecisamosFalarSobreAborto24h!

(Curumin/ BR); Carla Batista (Cladem/BR); Canal das Bee (; Think Olga (; DeFemDe – Rede Feminista de Juristas; y también Marta Maria Blandón (Nicaragua) y Maru Casanova (MYSU/ Uruguay). |

International Safe Abortion Day: Events Around the World

access to safe abortions.BRAZIL This year, Mujer y Salud en Uruguay (MYSU) is involved in organising the 9th National Day of Action for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (la 9na

Universal Periodic Review of Ireland

Fifteen countries issued recommendations on Ireland’s abortion laws: Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, India, Republic of Korea, Lithuania, Macedonia, Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland and Uruguay. The United States,