TUNISIA – Perceptions, needs and level of knowledge of human rights and civil rights: results of a survey among young people aged 18-29, August 2019

Tunis, November 2015

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we present the preliminary results of this survey, in which young women show a greater awareness and perception than young men.

Human rights in the Constitution

  • 42% of respondents say they “don’t know at all” what the contents of the 2014 Tunisian Constitution are.
  • Among those who claimed to know the meaning of the term “human rights”, a large majority (82%) considered that the rights recognised in the Constitution are not effectively respected in society.
  • The young women (84%) perceived this gap between what is on paper and in practice in society slightly more than the young men (80%).

Young women are more aware of gender injustices and inequalities

  • 95% of the young women know that the principle of equality between men and women is guaranteed in the constitution, compared to 77% of the young men.
  • 60% of respondents believe that there is patriarchal domination that affects the relationship between young men and women. This proportion is 64% among the young women.
  • When it comes to violence against women, 87% of the young women know about the organic law to prevent violence against women, and 75% of the young men.
  • 91% of the young women are aware of the circular sanctioning sexual harassment, while for young men this rate is 85%.

The main obstacles to freedom

  • 40% believed that financial and administrative corruption are the main obstacle to freedom.
  • Unemployment (25%) and lack of education (24%) were most often perceived as threats to freedom.

Tunisian culture

  • On issues concerning women and culture, some 58% thought that the rights of women and young people were not accurately represented in Tunisian culture.

FULL TEXT en français: RAWSA Network ; PHOTO by AFP in: MiddleEast Eye, 12 February 2015