Activists and members of civil society who are gathered at the Special Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Population and Development in Latin America and the Caribbean in the city of Santiago, Chile from 7-9 November 2017, denounce the threat to sexual and reproductive rights currently taking place in Brazil.

Open Letter to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

My concerns regarding these recommendations are threefold: the first is to do with your definition of “a person”. The second is to do with the reasons why women have abortions vs. how different laws address and codify reasons for abortion as legal or illegal grounds. The third is that I believe including any ground for abortion in the law whatsoever – apart from permitting abortion at the woman’s request – is a mistake because it serves to restrict women’s autonomy and decisions over their own bodies.

International Campaign Social Media Report

28 September is anything but a one-day event. In fact, it’s still not over. On 14 October, there is a march in the streets of Belfast, Northern Ireland, to demand that we all #TrustWomen to make their own decisions about their pregnancies.