The Share-Net Bangladesh team has promoted International Day on Safe Abortion on 28th September with an informative banner on abortion policy in Share-Net country nodes and an infographic on menstrual regulation (MR) and unsafe abortion in Bangladesh. The team has also published an interview on the starting of MR service in Bangladesh, major challenges and possible solutions with Quazi Suraiya Sultana, Executive Director, RHSTEP.

According to the infographic they produced (Guttmacher data), there were 1,194,000 induced abortions in Bangladesh in 2014 and 430,000 menstrual regulations in health facilities. Some 53% of public sector facilities and 20% of private sector facilities are permitted to provide menstrual regulation but these figures are down 66% and 36%, respectively, from 2010.  384,000 women suffered complications from unsafe abortion in 2014

READ MORE: Share-Net Bangladesh, September Newsletter, 9 October 2017