This is a Storify report of the 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, on 27-30 November 2017 in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam. It can be found on the Twitter page of ARROW, the Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre, who report that they participated in the conference spirit of “Leave NO ONE Behind! Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Health,” the conference theme. There was a Youth Conference on the first day, plenaries every day as well as a wealth of parallel and satellite sessions. They have captured this live through a short video from the last two plenary sessions, with speakers on the themes: “Making good quality sexual and reproductive health education available to all” and “Advancing justice and equity in reproductive health and healthcare” with the participation of famous speakers in this field.

The conference website will eventually have links to the presentations and videos of sessions and interviews.

SOURCE: Storify, ARROW News, Issue 19, December 2017