RAPE-RELATED ABORTION LAW & POLICY – Legal and Policy Dimensions of Rape-Related Abortion Services: A Bibliography

by International Reproductive and Sexual Health Law Program, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto http://www.law.utoronto.ca/programs/reprohealth.html

This working bibliography, currently 38 pages long at this writing, was compiled during various legal research, policy and advocacy projects on the delivery of abortion services as a result of rape. It contains court decisions, treaty resources, policy guidance and publications. It is a work in progress, and only includes a few references to the literature and cases on delivery of emergency contraceptives following rape, post-exposure prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infections, and social services, including trauma counselling. Its objective is to provide resources to stimulate further legal research, policy and advocacy projects to ensure the timely delivery of dignified health care of women who have been raped.
The latest edition of resources in English will always be online on the website. A sister bibliography of Spanish resources is online here. The current edition is currently being updated.

Please send suggestions for possible additions to both bibliographies to: reprohealth.law@utoronto.ca

VISUAL: CNN Video of Abortion Laws around the World, 25 January 2017