ARGENTINA – Debates, Campaign organising and Open discussions

Monitoreo del debate sobre legalización del aborto en Argentina

(Monitoring the debate on legalisation of abortion: the first 2 weeks)

by Equipo Latinoamericana de Justicia y Género (ELA), Red de Acceso al Aborto Seguro (REDAAS), y Centro de Estudios de Estado y Sociedad (CEDES)

Week 1: 10 & 12 April

34 statements in favour of law reform

35 statements against

Week 2: 17 & 19 April

44 statements in favour of law reform

44 statements against

This excellent and thought-provoking report summarises the arguments that were put forward on these four days in the Argentine congress by speakers supporting and opposing law reform. They are broken down into juridical arguments, medical and scientific arguments, data and statistics, and social and cultural arguments.

FULL TEXT (en español)


The National Campaign for Legal, Safe and Free Abortion has been organising non-stop. Scroll down their Facebook page @CampAbortoLegal to see women on the move – in marches, in meetings, getting signatures on petitions, in events of many kinds, and speaking out everywhere. See statements from teachers and a group of male actors and much more.



Charla abierta: Reflexiones en torno al aborto desde las Ciencias Sociales

(Open Discussion: Reflections on abortion from the social sciences)

This discussion meeting took place on 4 April 2018 with different perspectives on abortion from a range of disciplines in the social sciences – bioethics, health, gender/society/policy, Latin American studies – and a feminist campaign perspective.

Participants: FLORENCIA LUNA, director of the Programa de Bioética; RAÚL MERCER, director of the Programa de Ciencias Sociales y Salud; ANDREA RIZZOTTI, director in the Área de Estudios Latinoamericanos; ANDREA BERRA, researcher in the Área de Género, Sociedad y Políticas, y ELSA SCHVARTZMAN, member of the Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Seguro, Legal y Gratuito.

Produced by: FLACSO Virtual, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Argentina
