Argentina: “Debate of political candidates on the right to abortion in Argentina” (VIDEO)

Members of the Campaña Nacional por el Derecho al Aborto Legal, Seguro y Gratuito organised the production of a video of a “Debate of political candidates on the right to abortion in Argentina”, which took place on 20 September at the University of Buenos Aires, Social Sciences School, in the context of #UnGritoGlobal por el #AbortoLegal. It was one of the many activities they planned for 28-29th September. The debate was moderated by Martha Rosenberg and María Alicia Gutiérrez, both members of the Campaña since the very beginning. You will see lots of green in the video, especially from their handkerchiefs, a colour that has been the Campaña’s distinctive hallmark for 12 years. The debate was recorded by Emergentes, a social media partner, and can be found here.